Saturday, January 7, 2012


Sabbath. Rest. Some wonder what that really is. Is it attainable in our society? In our world of constant connectivity, 24x7 work, the frantic online society; we face burnout and utter exhaustion without the Sabbath. I think in our modern times, we need the Sabbath more than ever before!

The Sabbath is a weekly 24 hour period of time, an entire day, of rest. It starts with sunset on Friday, through sunset on Saturday, as established at creation. God set the Sabbath as a time of worship, fellowship and reflection, not of focusing on ourselves, our work or our greed.

God established the Sabbath at creation. God blessed it and sanctified it in the old testament. It is one of the ten commandments, and the the only one that starts with the word "Remember". Jesus knew we would be tempted to forget the Sabbath. Jesus kept the Sabbath each week as the seventh-day of the week, the Jewish Sabbath day. The rabbis were furious at Jesus, for he would not heed their man-made laws. He kept God's law. Jesus even rested on the Sabbath in the grave! The new testament church kept the Sabbath, Saturday, the seventh day of the week into the 3rd century. At no time in history has the weekly 7 day cycle been corrupted. At no time has the day of worship been altered or changed by God. If there was a day change, it was from another source (Dan 7:24-25). Obedience to God's law and whom we worship will be a special test in the last days of earths history (Rev 13:11-18). The Bible gives the promise that in heaven, we will all enjoy the weekly Sabbath worship services together through out eternity!

Have you considered taking one day out of your busy week to focus on God, your family and others? You will be richly rewarded if you do! Gather your family together and seek out the special blessing God has dedicated to this day for you and your family.


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